Just because we’ve entered a season of Thanksgiving doesn’t mean you’re ready for it. Perhaps you’re experiencing disappointment, loss, or even burnout. Maybe 2024 hasn’t been your best year. Even though the calendar says it’s time to be thankful, sometimes it’s not easy to muster thoughts of gratitude. That’s okay. Recognizing what it will take for you to get to gratitude is a worthwhile journey.
If you are finding it difficult to be grateful, here are some questions to consider:
How’s your pace? Examine whether you have the time to reflect, move, rest, and connect. When we move too quickly through our days, we can become numb to all that’s good in our lives.
What’s challenging for you right now? If it’s difficult to answer that question, you could be missing out on a key path to satisfaction: working to overcome adversity or elevating your capability at something that isn’t easy. Or, if you have too many answers to that question, recognize that being overloaded makes it hard to embrace simple joys.
What changes are you currently making? Humans seek progress. Self-aware leaders notice where better is needed and move toward growth. Growth takes intention. Knowing how you want to evolve inspires the actions that, when taken, provide you with the perspective needed for gratitude. Seeing how far we’ve come feels good.
Who needs you to show up? Service to others is a powerful way to get back in touch with feelings of compassion, empathy, and care. Close cousins of gratitude, those emotions can inspire thankfulness within us.
As we approach Thanksgiving, embrace it as a time to go easy on yourself and to be gracious with others. Often, gratitude is less about everything being “right” and more about actively focusing on the gift of the present. Simple actions like holding the space to deeply listen to someone, planning a quiet morning on your own, or approaching a holiday gathering sincerely wanting to relax and connect can be fulfilling paths to recognizing what you’re most thankful for.