Build the risk-taking muscles that will lead you to a life of greatness using Bet on You’s formula for success that will supercharge your decision-making confidence and transform even the most risk-averse mindset.

In Bet on You, we’ll help you understand the most common missing ingredient to a life well lived, one where you experience less stress, more success, and more joy. We’ve watched too many leaders struggle with unnecessary drama, angst, frustration, and lost happiness by not recognizing their true talents and, instead, defaulting to the play-it-safe mode they were raised to embrace.

The good news is that there’s a way to counter our safety bias and build the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. It’s through developing and embracing a skill set that you’ve probably paid little attention to before but is critical now, because it’ll help you transform uncertainty into opportunity in every aspect of your life.

That skill set is knowing how to take risks.

Anyone who wants to ignite meaningful change in their lives needs to read Bet on You.

Aria Finger, Former CEO of

Risk Manifesto

Bet on You Book Cover and Phone with Image of Risk ManifestoEach chapter of Bet on You offers step-by-step guidance to complete a personal Risk Manifesto via a FREE, easy-to-use online tool. When you finish the book, you’ll be ready to leverage risk for success in meaningful ways.

You’ll discover your strengths, your dreams, and the starting points for achieving what matters most. You’ll also identify what’s holding you back, and how to move past it.

Unlock the free online companion to Bet on You and create your Risk Manifesto today.

Bet on You Book Club Guide

While you can read Bet on You individually, we know that when you’re surrounded by a group of individuals who care about you and are there to support you, your chances for success in the risks you take increase exponentially. This book club guide offers recommendations on how to organize and facilitate powerful discussions that help unlock the potential of the group you’re a part of.
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