“I don’t think my mom does anything at all but work.”
I overheard my son say this to his friend a few years ago. I have to admit that it hurt! I didn’t want this to be my reputation with my son, but then I thought about my reality. He was right. Work was a priority. It wasn’t all I did, but the other things I did do when I wasn’t working – carpooling, cleaning, coordinating calendars – looked and felt like work. I realized quite quickly that there wasn’t much room in my life for fun.
I then reflected on some recent memories where I was immersed in joy:
- Riding my bike through the woods at dusk
- Sitting in the backyard reading with a glass of wine by my side and the sun shining on my shoulders
- A girl’s trip to Chicago to see Madonna in concert and singing along with the crowd to “Like a Prayer”
It then dawned on me that 2/3 of these things can happen whenever I wanted them to happen. My own sense of joy was within my control. It was on me to prioritize and plan for it.
Does this sound like you? Your joy is often within reach, but you haven’t prioritized or planned for it. Now that the world is moving around more, and we’re ready to act on the dreams we’ve held in our minds during the pandemic, I challenge you: prepare to take some risks to bring joy into your life.
Risk is a decision, followed by action, that leads you down a path inspired by your ideas, dreams, and aspirations. Taking risks means you Bet on You to ensure that your fulfillment is prioritized and worthy of achieving.
We’ve designed a FREE online tool, called the Risk Manifesto, that accompanies our book, Bet on You, to help you better understand what joy looks like to you, what your dreams are for your life, and what’s holding you back. When you’re finished answering these powerful questions, you’ll be able to print a copy of your Risk Manifesto and keep it nearby to serve as a reminder that you – and your dreams – matter and can be realized when you Bet on You.
There’s never been a better day than today to take action on your dreams.